Monday, December 10, 2007


Hi Mel...*waves*

A post just for you because I have been so slack and I think you are the only one who reads my blog, pmsl.....thanks for the awards and when I get a little while and I have the patience to wait for your blog to load I will have a proper look....*blush*....I hope all is going well and that Jets real birthday is fabulous :).

We should definatley catch up next month after the silly season is over.....

xoxo Hayley.


Mel :) said...

ohhhhhh a post just for me!!!

tanks :D

sorry my blog takes so long to load for you - i decreased my posts on the main page & i thought that would help but it probably still takes a while.

& yep, would love to catch up next month!

Hayley said...

Its not your fault Mel :) ...its my crappy dial up that is just getting worse and worse lately, grrrrr.

January it is then, idea when but we will get there.

Mel :) said...

im not sure if it will help but you can try looking at the rss feed instead: (hopefully blogger lets that link get posted?)

i have another award for you & a meme if you want it, so if your ever bored & you want to hang around waiting for your computer to load pop over & grab it :D