Saturday, March 15, 2008

40 Weeks!!!

WOW so here we are....40 weeks today.....and guess what, finally there has been some movement at the station.

I woke up this morning to do a wee (slept through from 11pm-5:30am ) and when I got back into bed I felt my tummy POP and then had a trickle of fluid (clear, not urine smelling) that wet my undies and the towel I quickly shoved between my legs....have had no more since but I am having period pains and have lost a bit of clear mucus with small amount of blood in it ........who would think I would be excited about that ....

....I don't want to go to the hospital considering I have had no more fluid leakage and the contractions are irregular and mildish so I will wait out today to see if things progress....I am fairly sure that things will happen on their own in time anyway and the antibiotics can wait till I am in labour or if I have more leaking fluid (his head is really low so not sure that will happen)....I have promised DH we will go to the hospital to get checked out if I have more leaking but for now I am in denial (playing dumb).....

So now I am trying to clean the house up a bit and get organised...even if I don't go int o full blown labour at least the house will be clean.......I was cleaning the toilet at 6:30am, lol, and am trying to pack away the mountain of clean washing I have sitting around.

Hopefully things happen for me...not sure how I will cope if I wake up tomorrow still pregnant....



Tracy said...

Yay!! I'll be stalking the blog for news :) Have a wonderful, safe, and happy delivery.

ChopSuey said...

oooh ooooh that is exciting - I'll be stalking you too :D

Cinders xo said...

Oh hunny!!! Good luck sweety I hope all is going nice and smooth :) Calm birthing vibes, but roar if you need!!! I can't wait to for the 'announcement'! D xo

Mel :) said...

Congrats Hayley!!! so happy for you!!!! for all who are waiting on news i got a txt from hayley today saying bub was born - 9 pounds!!!! Way to go hayley!!!! happy baby moon :D